The Global Volunteer Program offers young individuals (age 18 – 30) the chance to volunteer abroad, contribute to meaningful social projects, and immerse themselves in new cultures.
6-8 Weeks
NGO or School
Cross Cultural Experience 🌍
Imagine yourself exploring a new culture, meet like-minded people, and expand your network across the world while making an impact.
Grow Beyond Limits 🚀
Push your boundaries! Live somewhere new, tackle real challenges, and grow your leadership and personal skills in ways you never expected.
Make a Real Difference 🌱
Each Global Volunteer project supports the Sustainable Development Goals—join the generation making real change where it matters.
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Our Projects
Every project focuses on a target aligned to one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals


SDG Target 3.4
By 2030, reduce by one third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being
project description
The project aims to impact the SDG #3 by raising awareness on prevention of non-communicable diseases and the importance of mental health.
role description
Global Volunteers will be involved in community outreach in the public health field by creating and running outreach activities that aim to raise awareness on prevention of non-communicable diseases, healthy lifestyle habits and mental health in the community.
expected outcomes
- Increase awareness about healthy lifestyle behavior and it's connected to the prevention of NCD.
- Raise awareness about the importance of mental health & well being in society.
expected outputs
- # of workshops/sessions conducted about personal wellness and healthy lifestyle practices.
- # of people reached through outreach campaigns and awareness activities
- # of activities done in regards to the outreach campaign

global classroom
SDG Target 4.6
By 2030, ensure that all youth and a substantial proportion of adults, both men and women, achieve literacy and numeracy
project description
The project aims to contribute to SDG #4 by providing and opening space for quality education for people of all ages, ensuring educational opportunities from initial literacy to other subjects such as mathematics, science and languages.
role description
Global Volunteer will directly contribute towards upscaling the literacy of the community on basics of mathematics (numeracy), science and languages. Activities will be ran with a non-formal education method, addressing both the knowledge acquired and the development of the beneficiaries views in an intercultural environment.
expected outcomes
- Increase the amount of children, youth and adults having basic knowledge about literacy, measured by their ability to read, interpret and create written texts
- Increase the amount of children, youth and adults having basic knowledge about numeracy, measurable by their ability to count and understand everyday essential number (prices, percentage, etc.)
expected outputs
- # of illiterate/innumerate people connected to other people who can teach them to read/write/count.
- # materials that give an overview of the services that people can access to learn to read/write/count
- # of lessons and workshops delivered on reading, science, etc.

youth 4 impact
SDG Target 4.7
By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development.
project description
The project aims to impact SDG #4 by generating awareness and fostering engagement towards the sustainable development goals and global citizen values.
role description
Global Volunteers will be responsible for fostering educational spaces on the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as local and global issues in collaboration with schools or local NGOs in various communities. The project will be carried out using interactive, non-formal educational methods and organizing and delivering practical spaces or events.
expected outcomes
- Increase the number of young people aware of the SDGs, local and global issues, as well as, understanding of personal capability to contribute to the topics.
- Increased SDG advocates; people who are educated on the details and impact of the SDGs and will promote and educate to others how to contribute to the SDGs
expected outputs
- Connecting local people to contemporary SDG advocates
- # of people with knowledge of the SDGs, as well as the opportunities to contribute to them
- # community members acting more SDG aligned in day to day life

raise your voice
SDG Target 5.1
End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere.
project description
The project aims to impact SDG #5 by fostering educational spaces that generate awareness about gender related issues and build initiatives to work on solutions to stop gender inequality in communities around the globe.
role description
Global Volunteers will be responsible for creating and delivering workshops and activities aiming to engage people towards gender equality. They will also deliver activities to raise awareness on gender discrimination and how to fight it. by creating more diverse and equal spaces for all genders vie reaching and educating people.
expected outcomes
- Increase % gender diversity in HR of companies: more job opportunities for women and gender non-conforming people on job market.
- Increase women and gender non-conforming people understanding of gender discrimination and their legal rights.
expected outputs
- # of opportunities offered to students/adults to teach others about gender equality
- # of initiatives created to reduce gender discrimination in the community
- # of people participating of the workshops and activities

skill up!
SDG Target 8.6
By 2020, substantially reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training.
project description
The project aims to impact SDG #8 by providing young people with soft and hard skills trainings, needed to qualify for a decent job, and career guidance.
role description
Global Volunteers will collaborate with formal and technical schools to create and conduct soft and hard skills trainings as well as providing career guidance for local youth and building up entrepreneurship skills.
expected outcomes
- Increase relevant employability hard skills on young people.
- Increase relevant employability soft skills on young people.
expected outputs
- # of coaching sessions to identify the soft skills participants want to develop
- Increased awareness of how the individual fits into the job market: what are their talents, what jobs can they apply for, what further education do they need
- # of participan applying to jobs at the end of the projects

on the map
SDG Target 8.9
By 2030, devise and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products.
project description
The project aims to contribute to SDG #8 by enhancing the capacity of local communities to build a promote sustainable local tourism activities that bring revenue and boos employavility in the region.
role description
Global Volunteers will be responsible for fostering workshops and educational spaces aimed to build the capacity of the community to promote tourism in their locality. They will also run field research on the cultural, historical and environmental value of the region, to help the community create engaging tourism proposals for the market.
expected outcomes
- Increase the capacity of local communities to understand local culture to promote local tourism.
- Increase awareness about the benefits and relevance of sustainable tourism.
expected outputs
- # of promotional materials created to showcase local history
- # of testimonials collected to promote local businesses
- # of participant at workshops

SDG Target 10.2
By 2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status.
project description
The project aims to impact SDG #10 by fostering educational spaces on the basics of inequality as well as promoting local initiative to tackle discrimination and inequality in the community
role description
Global Volunteers will be responsible for delivering workshops and dynamics on human rights, inequality and inclusion issues. Volunteers will support students on becoming agents of change by creating local initiatives to tackle inequality in the community.
expected outcomes
- Increase the number of initiatives in the local community targeted at becoming more inclusive
- Change the mindset of people towards being inclusive with everyone
expected outputs
- Increased knowledge amongst community members about how to organize impactful initiatives to reduce inequalities
- Increased awareness of social inclusiveness issues that community members are facing

green leaders
SDG Target 13.3
Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning.
project description
The project aims to impact SDG #13 by educating communities about climate change and building action plans to reduce critical factors affecting the environment.
role description
Global Volunteers will engage communities to become aware about the importance of taking action to stop climate change. Through the project beneficiaries will learn about the importances of having sustainable practice and will develop solutions and initiatives to reduce the impact of climate change in their communities.
expected outcomes
- Develop local community lifestyles behaviors to enhance sustainable practices and actions in the region.
- Increased education about the issue of climate change.
expected outputs
- Increased skills to assess the impact of lifestyle choices on the climate.
- Improve local understanding regarding climate mitigation and identifying early warning in the area
- Increase local capacity to design and implement local initiatives.

SDG Target 14.1
By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution.
project description
The project aims to impact SDG #14 by providing communities that live near marine and coastal areas, with concrete activities to improve the sustainability of the coast and protect marine wildlife that inhabit these ecosystems.
role description
Global Volunteers will carry out educational spaces and fieldwork activities to prevent and stop marine and coastal ecosystems pollution. Volunteer will also be responsible for planning and executing an outreach campaigns to engage community members on the protection of marine ecosystems.
expected outcomes
- Increase the education of the local community, developing good behaviors regarding the issues threatening the marine ecosystem.
- Increase the engagement of the local community regarding local initiatives to decrease marine pollution.
expected outputs
- # of Educational sessions given about pollution, provided to locals
- % of people understanding of current state of marine ecosystem of the city
- # campaigns for spreading the initiatives to community
- # of activities planned to protect the marine animals

SDG Target 15.5
Take urgent and significant action to reduce the degradation of natural habitats, halt the loss of biodiversity and, by 2020, protect and prevent the extinction of threatened species.
project description
The project aims to impact SDG #15 by building up communities' capacity to respond and act upon the degradation of natural habitat, diversity loss, and the protection of wildlife.
role description
Global Volunteers will be responsible of fostering educational spaces about life on land, ecosystems biodiversity and wild animals protection. They will promote and support communities to take actions towards the protection of wildlife and the preservation of biodiversity in the region.
expected outcomes
- Increase local community education on the degradation of natural habitats and the importance of taking actions to protect the environment.
- Increasing behavioral acts of community members to reduce the risk level of extinction of threatened species.
expected outputs
- # of educational spaces for local community members on natural habitats
- % of the community involved in designing local initiatives
- # of animal protection activities organize

scale up!
SDG Target 17.17
Encourage and promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships, building on the experience and resourcing strategies of partnerships data, monitoring and accountability
project description
The project aims to contribute to SDG #17 by building up the capacity of local NGO, non-profit organizations and/or foundations to contribute to social impact in their communities by collaborating with local social projects and engaging with grass-groot initiatives.
role description
Global Volunteer will be responsible of running analysis on the needs of the NGO/non-profits/foundation, identifying points for improvements in their social projects and targeting the deficiencies by presenting realistic solutions that will directly impact the capacity of these organization to contribute to the development of the community they work with.
expected outcomes
- Improve the NGO partnership procedures for a specific project or campaign (attraction, data management, monitoring and accountability)
- Enhancing the position of NGOs on the local, national and international market, regarding their social impact
expected outputs
- Enhance the partnerships/connections between different stakeholders
- % of growth of B2B marketing opportunities; increase contacts/connections created through these channels
- % of achievement of the goals of the project/campaign

SDG Target 4.1
By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes.
project description
The project aims to contribute to SDG #4 by generating activities & knowledge needed to live in natural conditions like mathematics, intercultural communication, and teamwork, also by including creative & effective learning styles like storytelling, playing games, etc. Additionally, the project is aiming to teach participants about how to minimize the usage of technologies to connect with nature through becoming characters, for example, from mythology or legends, learning bushcraft & learning how to use what Mother Nature has given to us.
role description
Global Volunteers will contribute to participants' development by teaching them how to work in a team, how to navigate in nature using mathematical knowledge & having an understanding of sources that surround them in nature, how to communicate in a team & how on a daily base use English. Additionally, a role is for open-minded people with good communication, creativity & storytelling skills who enjoy being in nature as well as with the willingness to work with young people and peers and to be able to take a lead but also be ready to follow instructions.
expected outcomes
- Primary and secondary completion rates for boys and girls (Literacy and knowledge in mathematics)
- Increase the amount of children and youth having basic leadership, language and survival skills
expected outputs
- # of children & youth easily communicating & teamworking in English
- # of children & youth learning & implementing knowledge about mathematics
- # of workshops/spaces dedicated to storytelling, connecting to the nature, thinking logically & creatively etc

happy bus
SDG Target 4.2
By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre-primary education so that they are ready for primary education
project description
The project aims to contribute to SDG #4.2 by providing and opening space for quality education for small children from smaller towns and villages, ensuring educational and social opportunities from introductory learning about different cultures to creating friendly ties with people from minorities and with foreigners
role description
Global Volunteers will be responsible for animating the time of small children, introducing elements of cultural diversity education, teaching English language, and creating a friendly atmosphere, travelling from village to village. The project will be implemented using interactive, informal educational methods as well as organizing and delivering practical spaces or events mainly in the form of learning through play and intercultural integration.
expected outcomes
- Increase in the number of small children from small towns and villages, having the access to learning about other cultures and minorities and learning foreign languages before primary education
- Increase in the number of children, regardless of sex, whom we helped break language and cultural barriers before primary education
expected outputs
- Providing children from small villages with opportunities for equable development, both cultural and linguistic, and quality education before receiving primary education
- # of kids who had first contact with a foreign culture
- # of kids who had first contact with a foreign language

SDG Target 4.4
By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
project description
The project aims to aims to impact the SDG #4 by developing high-level cognitive and transferable skills to people at all ages through activities and/or workshops connected to arts production (e.g painting, sculpture, music, theater, photography...)
role description
Global Volunteers will be responsible for delivering immersive and artistic activities that inspire the flourishing of imagination, problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, teamwork and communication skills, which can be used across a range of occupational fields.
expected outcomes
- Improve the NGO partnership procedures for a specific project or campaign (attraction, data management, monitoring and accountability)
- Enhancing the position of NGOs on the local, national and international market, regarding their social impact
expected outputs
- Enhance the partnerships/connections between different stakeholders
- % of growth of B2B marketing opportunities; increase contacts/connections created through these channels
- % of achievement of the goals of the project/campaign

eco city!
SDG Target 12.8
By 2030, ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature
project description
The project aims to impact the SDG #12 by raising awareness about the importance of sustainable communities & lifestyle through volunteer's experiences
role description
Global Volunteers will be involved in community outreach to a sustainable living field by running activities to develop and increase sustainable understanding and knowledge of community life.
expected outcomes
- Increase knowledge about sustainable practices on daily life
- Improve sustainable behaviour and understanding in partners and beneficiaries routines
expected outputs
- # of workshops/sessions conducted about lifestyle development towards sustainable practices and lifestyle
- # of people reached through outreach campaigns and awareness activities
- # of activities done in regards to the outreach campaign

myself, my world
SDG Target 17.16
Enhance the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development, complemented by multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilize and share knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources, to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in all countries, in particular developing countries.
project description
The project aims to strengthen current partnerships interested in promoting and contributing to the implementation of SDGs in local realities and communities by developing and proposing events connecting current partners and communities towards an SDG that meets their needs.
role description
The volunteer will understand the reality of the community in connection with like-minded current existing partners supporting the opportunity to develop, propose, and implement events that aim for the Sustainable Development Goals awareness of the region. It's through account management activities with stakeholders of existing partners.
expected outcomes
- Build relationship with different industries or business models in order to develop a multi-stakeholder project towards the SDGs' development
- Raise and strengthen multi-stakeholders partnership by creating events that increase SDG awareness in the communities according to their needs
expected outputs
- # stakeholders connected to the project attraction and development
- NPS of the Stakeholders (event, participants and partners involved)
- Event Delievery of the project
AIESEC will always be accompanying you
before, during and after the process
1- Sign up below

Fill out the form, and one of our local volunteers will reach out to you. You’ll gain access to a platform filled with exciting projects around the world!
2- Apply to the project

Submit your application and cary out an interview with an advisor from your destination country.
3. Confirm Your Spot

Once accepted, you’ll sign a €300 contract and €5 membership fees, and then it ill be the time to start packing your bags for your adventure!
It depends on your destination country. You can stay in a house with natives, hostel or apartment with other exchange students.
Food and accomodation is provided in most of the opportunities, however if not, the subsidy or overall cost is mentioned. It is mentioned in each opportunity.
€300 are for the AIESEC fee: as we are no-profit organization and we are volunteers, this money helps sustain our expenses like, for example, promo and taxes. €5 are for the membership fee because the EP will be member of the organization for one year which is mandatory for Italian law.
We can help find a nearby country that fits your budget, reducing transportation costs.
The process helps ensure the project fits your needs and that you’re a great fit. Interviews are casual and help us understand your motivation.